has anyone ever told you to listen to that little voice inside your head? and then you wonder "what little voice inside my head??". thats the voice that i wrote this note for. we all have that little voice in our heads, the one that analyses, makes snide comments even if we do not say it out loud, and the one that laughs even if we dont crack a smile!
try this:
sit for two minutes in a silent room and try not to think of anything!
chances are within the fisrst 30 seconds there will be that voce in your head saying things like "this is silly!", or "i could be doing something useful right now", or "i want a burger!!".
now more often than not this a constant chatter in the background with your mind trying to process things and to put it in a way that appeals to your way of thinking. its also a very useful tool, becuase it can tell you how you really feel about something even if you cannot express it. but the problem comes in when your inner voice becomes negative.
has this ever happened to you:
you have told someone something that you really want to do and they have said something like "that's stupid!" or "you cant do that! that's ridiculous!!". when someone makes a negative comment like that and it sticks in your mind, thats when the little voice in your head becomes negative. it takes that comment and sets off one of the thousands of reels in your mind, one that involves you failing or one that involves you being ridiculed, anything that causes you to believe that you are incapable of doing what you set out to do.
for me personally the thing that gets to me and that annoying voice in my head is the line "you're so small! what can you do??" (let me suppliment this by saying im all of 5'4" and very slight of build, also dead clumsy! i walk into objects on a semi regular basis).
now do you really want to let go of something that you set out to do because someone said something negative? (you crash and burn on your own, then quit, i get it! but because someone said "oh haha you think you can do that?" you quit? WEIRD!)
the thing to do when that happens is to first IDENTIFY the phrase that got to you. identifying what hurts you and causes you doubt means that you can fix it. simple yes? just think of the moment someone said something and in your head you were punching the living daylights out of them.
repeat the phrase or the word that got to you and test out if its really what got you all riled up!
the second thing to do after you have identified the phrase(its easy to know because you will be fuming mad by this point) is to repeat the phrase in SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS voice (if you dont know who that is you have had a pretty crappy childhood!) or any cartoon characters voice that you think is funny.
notice how it does not sound so bad anymore, in fact how can you take anything that spongebob says seriously??
after you do this, really softly say the phrase that annoyed you in your voice and then repeat it really loud, and i mean REALLY loud in spongebobs( or whoever's voice). this will help cement in your head how ridiculous the phrase is till your inner voice is laughing with you!
et voila!! your annoying little voice is now a POSITIVE annoying little voice (hey! i never said i would make it go away!), but then, thats probably better than the original demotivating one you had. so cheers, i hope you have a fun new little voice!
“In other words, it was a struggle with himself. And the product of that struggle: anger, bitterness, resentment, envy or transformation, aspiration, hope, decency..the product of that struggle is the quality of your life and the nature of your soul.”
? Emma Forrest, Your Voice in My Head
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