Affirmations, really, are simple. They are you being in conscious control of your thoughts. They are short, powerful statements. When you say them or think them or even hear them, they become the thoughts that create your reality. Affirmations, then, are your conscious thoughts.
Since affirmations are injunctions given to the subconscious mind perhaps we should briefly review a few facts. The subconscious is totally undiscriminating. i can think of one popular adjective to describe it - 'PROMISCOUS'. In other words, the subconscious welcomes every happenstance, every impression, every realization that rings its doorbell. The subconscious will not think over, think through or think twice - because it can't.
How many of the following messages (or similar ones) have you been sending yourself lately?
-I hate my body.
-Just my rotten luck.
-Back to the old grind on Monday.
-How come I only meet losers?
-It's going to be one of those days.
-Why bother.
-I've always been shy / stubborn / jealous / cynical / lazy / bad at math /unorganized / passive etc.
All of the above can constrict or even checkmate personal growth. What is your favorite self-putdown?
Affirmation should never accommodate denial. We have to forsake old credos before reaffirming new-fashioned ones. what this means to say is that it is pointless to affirm that "i am in a state of abundant health" when you have a headache that wont go away, or that "i am not stressed out" if your body is showing signs of wear and tear due to stress related issues. the basic point of the previous statement is that affirmations are only useful when the basic issue has been diagnosed and you have at some level understood it and had a way to deal with the negativity associated with it. affirmations are just a powerful way of changing your thought process from being negative to positive. but this cannot happen if there is latent hostility or pain still invloved with the thought process that is being changed.
there is a particular way to write down affirmations. for instance for a person suffering from bad health, the affirmation "i will not get sick anymore" is the worst possible one to have. this repeats the word sick so many times that it gets imbibed in thesubconscious. the affirmation "my health is good, and wellness is my birthright" would be a better affirmation as it does not concentrate on being ill, rather it focuses on the positive aspects of good health and well being.
but here's the catch. if you are going to affirm something for 5 minutes in a day, and then spend the rest of your day being cynical, negative and otherwise negating your thoughts, then it defeats the purpose. the key to affirmations is REPETITION.
i hope this helped. if there is any particular subject you would like me to discuss, then please comment below and i will incorporate it. have a great affirmation!
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